Lance Finney

Lance Finney

Oasis Digital/Angular Boo

After over a decade as a Java developer, I've been working in Angular for over four years. And I love it.

I develop Angular applications with Oasis Digital, and I teach others to build them through Angular Boot Camp.

Father of two boys, software develop

Angular Test Dependency Injection

The Tour of Heroes app teaches a lot about Angular, but it doesn't say much about testing. The zip file includes test files, but they're the CLI's default test files, and only two of the five actually pass!

In this talk,I'll go through the steps of getting these tests to minimally pass, demonstrating how to use dependency injection and the basics of writing Jasmine tests.

So you're doing Redux, but is your Data Safe?

A core tenet of ngrx and the Redux pattern is that state changes occur only in the reducer, and only by returning a new state object. What some people fail to realize is that this is only a pattern, and it is not enforced in any way.

Best case, your application is one accidental modification away from crashing down like a house of cards. Worst case, there are subtle flaws in the workflow that you don't notice until it is in production.

In this talk, I will make the case for immutability, illustrate the difference between compile-time and run-time immutability, and then see how we can easily achieve both using the record-extension pattern, leveraging the power of both Typescript and Immutable.js.