Webtask (webtask.io) is a platform for creating serverless endpoints. With a simple CLI and (totally optional) online editor, you can quickly create serverless code to handle most nearly any task. Webtask is especially good for quick prototyping of functionality without needing to go through the bore of setting up a server. I'll walk people through the installation of the CLI, demonstrate how to create a webtask, and show off the online editor as well. I'll then show some demos of things that can be built in webtask while also discussing how it can be used in apps for user-based customization.
Bobby Johnson is a developer advocate with Extend, an embedded customization platform that makes it easy to add new integrations and business rules to your SaaS. Bobby is a passionate engineer with an interest in learning and teaching new technologies, using open source software, and engaging the greater software development community. His experience ranges from building line of business applications for financial professionals with Russell Investments and Milliman to distributed social content apps with Cheezeburger and Steller.