A Practical Approach to the Component Library Challenge

August 9th - 4:0 PM - 05:00 PM


Component libraries: another trendy term and (alleged) best practice that you probably can’t stop hearing about. We’re told creating one will speed up the development process and encourage consistency in designs, all while making the entire code base easier to maintain and the app more delightful to use. Sounds like a win, right? The spirit of the idea is great, but like most hip best practices, an actual implementation is time-consuming and challenging.

In this talk, we’ll dive into a practical approach for creating a component library from scratch - whether you’re a team of one or one hundred. We’ll cover a top ten list of things to think through so you can be confident in creating a successful library. Learn how to jump into this project prepared enough to build a reusable component library with components your team will actually reuse.

Amy has a decade of experience & comes from a traditional CS background. She's the Lead UI Engineer at SportsEngine who spends her time building a Component Library. As an extrovert, she loves to attend MeetUps, conferences, & lead the local GDI Chapter.